Abortion essay outline
Thursday, August 27, 2020
African-American history Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1
African-American history - Essay Example In Chesapeake, the slave exchange occurred to prosper the development of rice and tobacco. The developing craving for tobacco in Europe urged manor ranchers to buy more slaves who might chip away at their homesteads. The slaves from the outset were white. Nonetheless, white contracted workers were hard to tame. This was on the grounds that they communicated in a similar language as their lords. The obligated hirelings were more fragile and would bite the dust in a year’s time. The thirst of getting more cash set off the wealthy in the general public to search for individuals of color to work in their ranches. The blacks were progressively beneficial and simpler to tame. This is on the grounds that they didn't communicate in a similar language. The blacks would have a similar land with local Indians where they encountered antagonistic treatment. Because of value insecurity, the economy would endure long sorrows. Again the well off expected to keep up their way of life they at t hat point began anticipating how to expel the Indians and dark from the isolated land they involved. Individuals of color anyway started to intermarry with white ladies prompting their opportunity from persecution. Subsequently, prompting a slave populace which dwarfed the occupants In Georgia, the slave exchange was a blasting business. The slave would either fill in as slaves in manors while ladies slave worked in their master’s houses as hirelings. It is in Georgia where slave exchange was canceled. The purpose behind the appeal is to support compassionate day to day environments. Later the world class in the general public spoke to the courts and persuaded them the requirement for the slave exchange. Inferable from the substantial dependence on agribusiness less the slave work, the economy of the region would fall. Slave exchange later got lawful. Slave exchange thrived again due to Eli White cotton gin development. The southern province vigorously depended on gin deals o the north. In the two cases, slaves were held against their desire. They would be compelled to deal with enormous farmsteads for little or
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Alexander Pope’s An Essay on Man and Daniel Defoe’s Robinson Crusoe
Alexander Pope’s An Essay on Man and Daniel Defoe’s Robinson Crusoe The subject of man’s relationship to God and the universe introduced in Epistle 1 of Alexander Pope’s An Essay on Man supplements Daniel Defoe’s Robinson Crusoe. Crusoe is a conflicting character who goes to God at whatever point he is out of luck, yet neglects to keep up regard for nature and for his individual man. In the main year of Robinson Crusoe’s single life on the island, he becomes sick and has a frightening dream that changes his familiarity with his place known to man and God’s control of it. This experience drives him to think about his past lack of appreciation and to set out on an existence of devotion, perusing the Bible every day, however without a radical or lasting change in his character. All through his experiences in the novel, Crusoe has snapshots of mindfulness and energy about God, yet every snapshot of confidence blurs as he recaptures command over his circumstance. The standards introduced in the last three segments of Epi stle 1 †that life exists in a chain of being and is related, that the soul of God exists in every way, and that man ought to acknowledge presence as great †talk straightforwardly to the understanding that Crusoe comes to because of his disease and the existence he leads all through the novel. Crusoe awakens from the bad dream that he has during his ailment and understands that enduring every one of his experiences has been in the hands of God, and that he has been selfish and uninformed of this force. Area 8 of Epistle 1 in the Exposition on Man expresses that everything in the chain of being are associated and that man in his pride ought not endeavor to break this request. Robinson Crusoe is an exceptionally free character and has gone for a long time without having the least sens... ...rly in his life, he guarantees Friday as a hireling instead of a partner; and he is as materialistic after he is marooned on the island as he was before this setback. Pope and Crusoe both feel that God is in charge of what occurs throughout everyday life and of what they comprehend of their encounters, despite the fact that Crusoe doesn't keep up a familiarity with God except if he is, or has as of late been, in harm's way or out of luck. The relationship with God, nature, and individual man that Pope depicts in his exposition effectively verbalizes the shortcoming, pride, and autonomy that Crusoe ponders all through his portrayal. Works Cited Defoe, Daniel. Robinson Crusoe. Ed. Michael Shinagel. Norton: New York, 1975. Pope, Alexander. An Essay on Man. in Eighteenth-Century English Literature. Eds. Geoffrey Tillotson, Paul Fussell, Jr. what's more, Marshall Waingrow. New York: Harcourt, 1969. 635-51. Alexander Pope’s An Essay on Man and Daniel Defoe’s Robinson Crusoe Alexander Pope’s An Essay on Man and Daniel Defoe’s Robinson Crusoe The topic of man’s relationship to God and the universe introduced in Epistle 1 of Alexander Pope’s An Essay on Man supplements Daniel Defoe’s Robinson Crusoe. Crusoe is a conflicting character who goes to God at whatever point he is out of luck, yet neglects to keep up regard for nature and for his individual man. In the primary year of Robinson Crusoe’s lone life on the island, he becomes sick and has an unnerving dream that modifies his attention to his place known to mankind and God’s control of it. This experience drives him to think about his past lack of appreciation and to set out on an existence of devotion, perusing the Bible every day, however without an extraordinary or lasting change in his character. All through his undertakings in the novel, Crusoe has snapshots of mindfulness and valuation for God, yet every snapshot of confidence blurs as he recaptures command over his circumstance. The standards introduced in the last three segment s of Epistle 1 †that life exists in a chain of being and is related, that the soul of God exists no matter what, and that man ought to acknowledge presence as great †talk straightforwardly to the understanding that Crusoe comes to because of his sickness and the existence he leads all through the novel. Crusoe awakens from the bad dream that he has during his sickness and understands that enduring every one of his undertakings has been in the hands of God, and that he has been unreasonable and ignorant of this force. Segment 8 of Epistle 1 in the Paper on Man expresses that everything in the chain of being are associated and that man in his pride ought not endeavor to break this request. Robinson Crusoe is an extremely free character and has gone for a long time without having the least sens... ...rly in his life, he guarantees Friday as a worker as opposed to a friend; and he is as materialistic after he is marooned on the island as he was before this disaster. Pope and Crusoe both feel that God is in charge of what occurs throughout everyday life and of what they comprehend of their encounters, in spite of the fact that Crusoe doesn't keep up a familiarity with God except if he is, or has as of late been, in harm's way or out of luck. The relationship with God, nature, and individual man that Pope depicts in his paper effectively expresses the shortcoming, pride, and autonomy that Crusoe thinks about all through his portrayal. Works Cited Defoe, Daniel. Robinson Crusoe. Ed. Michael Shinagel. Norton: New York, 1975. Pope, Alexander. An Essay on Man. in Eighteenth-Century English Literature. Eds. Geoffrey Tillotson, Paul Fussell, Jr. what's more, Marshall Waingrow. New York: Harcourt, 1969. 635-51.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Blog Archive Bleacher Report Co-Founder Dave Finocchio Discusses the Sports Sites Exponential Growth
Blog Archive Bleacher Report Co-Founder Dave Finocchio Discusses the Sports Site’s Exponential Growth Dave Finocchio, Co-Founder of Bleacher Report Today, many aspiring MBAs and MBA graduates want to join start-ups or launch such companies themselves. Is entrepreneurship as exciting as it seems? Is it really for you? mbaMission Founder Jeremy Shinewald has teamed up with Venture for America and CBS Interactive to launch Smart People Should Build Things: The Venture for America Podcast. Each week, Shinewald interviews another entrepreneur so you can hear the gritty stories of their ups and downs on the road to success. Launching a company while still in college is nothing new. However, doing so and eventually selling the company for $215M is a pretty rare occurrence! In this podcast episode, Dave Finocchio, the CEO and one of four co-founders of Bleacher Report, shares how he and his college friends struck gold by noticing a lack of interesting and quickly moving sports media coverage. Finocchio’s inspiring story features many fascinating details of his journey to entrepreneurial success, including these: How Bleacher Report grew from a wild idea to one of the most notable sports media outlets in the country What made Finocchio leave the company for a year to travel, only to return and become its CEO Why the process of evolving from a platform to a company forced Bleacher Report to cut its number of writers from 25,000 to a few hundred Subscribe to the podcast series to be among the first to hear the most intriguing entrepreneurship stories! Share ThisTweet News
Monday, May 25, 2020
Prehistoric Life During the Paleogene Period
The 43 million years of the Paleogene period represent a crucial interval in the evolution of mammals, birds, and reptiles, which were free to occupy new ecological niches after the demise of the dinosaurs following the K/T Extinction Event. The Paleogene was the first period of the Cenozoic Era (65 million years ago to the present), followed by the Neogene period (23-2.6 million years ago), and is itself divided into three important epochs: the Paleocene (65-56 million years ago), the Eocene (56-34 million years ago) and the Oligocene (34-23 million years ago). Climate and Geography. With some significant hiccups, the Paleogene period witnessed a steady cooling of the earths climate from the hothouse conditions of the preceding Cretaceous period. Ice began to form at both the North and South poles and seasonal changes were more pronounced in the northern and southern hemispheres, which had a significant impact on plant and animal life. The northern supercontinent of Laurasia gradually broke apart into North America in the west and Eurasia in the east, while its southern counterpart Gondwana continued to fracture into South America, Africa, Australia, and Antarctica, all of which began drifting slowly to their present positions. Terrestrial Life Mammals. Mammals didnt suddenly appear on the scene at the start of the Paleogene period; in fact, the first primitive mammals originated in the Triassic period, 230 million years ago. In the absence of dinosaurs, though, mammals were free to radiate into a variety of open ecological niches. During the Paleocene and Eocene epochs, mammals still tended to be fairly small but had already started evolving along definite lines: the Paleogene is when you can find the earliest ancestors of whales, elephants, and odd- and even-toed ungulates (hoofed mammals). By the Oligocene epoch, at least some mammals had begun to grow to respectable sizes, though they werent nearly as impressive as their descendants of the ensuing Neogene period. Birds. During the early part of the Paleogene period, birds, and not mammals, were the dominant land animals on earth (which shouldnt be all that surprising, given that they had evolved from recently extinct dinosaurs). One early evolutionary trend was toward large, flightless, predatory birds like Gastornis, which superficially resembled meat-eating dinosaurs, as well as the meat-eating avians known as terror birds, but subsequent eons saw the appearance of more diverse flying species, which were similar in many respects to modern birds. Reptiles. Although dinosaurs, pterosaurs and marine reptiles had gone completely extinct by the start of the Paleogene period, the same wasnt true for their close cousins, the crocodiles, which not only managed to survive the K/T Extinction but actually flourished in its aftermath (while retaining the same basic body plan). The deepest roots of snake and turtle evolution can be located in the later Paleogene, and small, inoffensive lizards continued to scurry underfoot. Marine Life Not only the dinosaurs went extinct 65 million years ago; so did their vicious marine cousins, the mosasaurs, along with the last remaining plesiosaurs and pliosaurs. This sudden vacuum at the top of the marine food chain naturally spurred the evolution of sharks (which had already been around for hundreds of millions of years, though in smaller sizes). Mammals had yet to venture fully into the water, but the earliest, land-dwelling ancestors of whales prowled the Paleogene landscape, most notably in central Asia, and may have had semi-amphibious lifestyles. Plant Life Flowering plants, which had already made a cameo appearance toward the end of the Cretaceous period, continued to flourish during the Paleogene. The gradual cooling of the earths climate paved the way for vast deciduous forests, mostly on the northern continents, with jungles and rainforests increasingly restricted to equatorial regions. Toward the end of the Paleogene period, the first grasses appeared, which would have a significant impact on animal life during the ensuing Neogene period, spurring the evolution of both prehistoric horses and the saber-toothed cats that preyed on them.
Thursday, May 14, 2020
People With A Personality Disorder - 872 Words
Psychopaths are people with a personality disorder and this condition may be confused with antisocialism. According to the article What Is a Psychopath? The term â€Å"psychopath†was first applied to these people around 1900. The term was changed to â€Å"sociopath†in the 1930s to emphasize the damage they do to society. Currently researchers have returned to using the term â€Å"psychopath.†There are several characteristics that tell whether a person is a psychopath or not. Not caring for others is one of them; the person does not feel emotions for others. Similarly, they tend to show a lack of emotion, such as guilt, shame and fear. Also, it is very notable their insincere speech, and that is very close to lying. Moreover, they are overconfident and selfish. Although they are so focused on themselves they tend to fail in any plan in their lives. Violence is what have me worrying about them since they can become serial killers. In my opinion, psychopaths ar e not useful in society due to the fact that they do not feel anything for anybody. People do not know when they are planning something awful such as robbing a bank, assaulting people or killing someone. On the other hand, they can be the best lawyers as they are smarts and great liars. Therefore, if they lie in front of a judge their facial features would not change. On one hand, psychopaths could be a problem for society. The lack of feelings is the main reason I think they could not be useful. A psychopath surgeon is definitelyShow MoreRelatedPsychology : Borderline Personality Disorder1323 Words  | 6 PagesRunning head: Borderline Personality Disorder The Study of Borderline Personality Disorder Olivia Wright Blue Ridge Community College Abstract Borderline personality disorder (BPD) falls into cluster b category which is characterized as dramatic, emotional, or erratic disorders. 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This literature review aims to characterize antisocial personality disorder by addressingRead MoreClinical Description Of Schizoid Personality Disorder1224 Words  | 5 Pages Schizoid Personality Disorder Amber Chancey Pasco Hernando State College CLP 2140: Abnormal Psychology Jodi Savell December 4th, 2015 Schizoid Personality Disorder Clinical Description 1. Presentation of problem Schizoid Personality Disorder is a personality disorder in which an individual chooses to avoid close relationships with other people, takes pleasure in little, if any, activities, appears to be indifferent to others’ opinions of them, and they are typically asexual. 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My father suffers from schizophreniaRead MorePersonality Disorders: What you should know. A way to think about a personality disorder is to1200 Words  | 5 PagesPersonality Disorders: What you should know. A way to think about a personality disorder is to think about someone who is complex because personality disorders are not a simple health concern. There is so much involved with these disorders. A person’s life can revolve around a personality disorder due to the fact that it is a mental issue. (Mayo Clinic, 2014). There is a stigma around the idea of mental disorder. People assume that a person with any type of mental disorder is dangerous or harmfulRead MoreSamantha Garland Disorder of Interest Paper 1359 Words  | 6 Pagesï » ¿ Disorder of Interest Paper Psy/275 Samantha Garland 01/26/2015 Jacqueline Gat/wood Antisocial Personality Disorder Every person is commonly known for their unique personality, and the traits each of us have that are different than others. One thing many people suffer from is some Personality Disorder such as Antisocial Personality Disorder. Antisocial Personality Disorder (APD) is a disorder that is going against and violating other peoples rights (Corner, 2014). Individuals with this disorderRead MoreEssay on Personality Disorders and Deviant Behavior1235 Words  | 5 PagesPersonality Disorders and Deviant Behavior People who suffer from personality disorders often display deviant behavior. The mental illness itself is not deviant. They typically have problems with social skills, mood swings, emotional states, and are often unable to maintain healthy, stable relationships. Many sufferers do not possess the capability to have genuine emotions, including empathy for others. A personality disorder is the basis of many circumstances of maladaptive behavior includingRead MoreNarcissistic Personality Disorder ( Npd )1578 Words  | 7 PagesDSM-IV-TR Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) is characterized by symptoms that include grandiosity, an exaggerated sense of self-importance and a lack of empathy for others. This type of personality disorder is related to another disordered called, histrionic personality disorder. In both disorders, individuals act in a dramatic manner, seek respect from others, and are shallow in their emotional expressions and relationships with others. People with h istrionic personality disorder seek approval of
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Theme Of Self Image In 12 Angry Men - 892 Words
Title Every single person on this earth is unique unto theirself. Think about it! Each individual has their own personality, agenda and history. Such are the characters portrayed in 12 Angry Men. The movie 12 Angry Men was the first of fourty-three films in the career of director Sidney Lument, who often sought controversial issues (RE). This movie focuses on a jury’s deliberation in a capital murder case, where a guilty verdict means an automatic death sentence. As the deliberations unfold the story quickly becomes a study of the juror’s complex personalities (imdb). Using rationalization, people can justify any action or inaction in an attempt to bring it into accord with their self-image (Roth 199). 12 Angry Men forces the characters†¦show more content†¦Unlike the positive self-image that Mr. Davis displays, the majority of the jurors and audience continually question themselves as the deliberation progresses. Lument wants his audience to feel uncomfortable so he 1) makes the day hot 2) the jury room even hotter 3) The fan in the room not working. He accredits the â€Å" lens plot†that was utilized in the juror room scenes to make the room seem smaller as the story continues (RE). This technique adds to the intensity of the situation, causing the sp0ectators to feelo claustrophobic and increasingly agitated. Then their self-examinations begin. Do they see themselves on teams, inquiring, whose side are you on anyway? Do they just want to be done, no matter the consequences, so they can go home or to a ball game? Do they want to be the executioner because of the anger they feel for another young man? Do they want the others to follow them unquestionably because they are important? Or perhaps, they want to piece together the evidence so they can account for what actually happened when the murder was committed. This movie moves the audience to feel obligated to ask themselves, as the jurors asked each other, just what kind of man are you? Juror #10 (Ed Begley Sr.) is a grouchy old cootie! He has a deceptive view of his self-image. He thinks of himself as being superior to the other jurors. After all, he is a business owner, has 3 garages and his time isShow MoreRelatedTime to Kill1283 Words  | 6 PagesWriting Report Similarity one 12 Angry Men and a Time to Kill    The play, 12 Angry Men, and the film, A Time to Kill, have a similar theme. In 12 Angry Men, a Latino is accused of stabbing his father to death, where a guilty verdict would mean a death sentence. In A Time to Kill, a black man took the law into his own hands, killing two alleged rapists and the sentence for this man, if found guilty meant death in a gas chamber. The play and film both involve prejudice against two commonlyRead MoreIrreconcilable Differences Essay1540 Words  | 7 Pagesparticipating in it results in the limitation of ones self. The poem could be considered a conceit because of the extended metaphors between marriage and shockingly grotesque images. The tone is angry with some hints of disgust. This is apparent through the word choices of monster, freak etc. The first line of the poem contains a synaesthesia because it combines the visual sensations from the images of a monster and an onion. The image of the transparent skin over the onions is a referenceRea d MoreThe Great Gatsby Selfish Analysis1304 Words  | 6 PagesBeautifully Selfish Henry Ford once said, â€Å"Money does not change men, it merely unmasks them. If a man is naturally selfish or arrogant or greedy, the money brings that out, that’s all.†Ford explains how money gives naturally selfish people the freedom to be themselves. When a person is poor they often times are not allowed to act themselves because they do not have the money to reinforce their actions. This theme is evident in F. Scott Fitzgerald’s novel The Great Gatsby because money allows peopleRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare s Macbeth And Wuthering Heights 1199 Words  | 5 PagesAndrew Sloop Mrs. Weaver English 4 May 29, 2017 Destructive Love In Macbeth and Wuthering Heights The theme of destructive love within relationships in Shakespeare’s Macbeth and Bronte’s Wuthering Heights are presented through sexism, jealousy, and betrayal. How do women gain control in a relationship? Can men regain control in a relationship? What makes a good relationship? What makes a bad relationship? Can people be over ambitious? These questions are vital to understanding the complex relationshipsRead MoreOdyssey and Odysseus Return Home1069 Words  | 5 Pagesdescribed? Treated as rubbish, laying on a mass of dung, abandoned, half destroyed with flies. How does this description make you feel? Sad about his condition and angry about his neglect 2. In lines 1053-1055 what does this scene reveal about Odysseus’ character? He is a sensitive man, but he also has the strength to hide his true feelings; self-control 3. What happens to Argos? He recognizes his master’s voice, wags his tail, greets him and dies. 4. On books 18-19 what does the stranger tell PenelopeRead MoreWar Poem Comparison Essay1727 Words  | 7 Pagessimilar in the way they are written, especially considering Sassoon helped co-write â€Å"Anthem For Doomed Youth†with Owen (Internet 2). They are both keen to dispell the popular myth that it was a â€Å"Great War†and use various techniques to convey the main themes of anger, resentment, betrayal and biterness to emphasise the destructive and devastating nature of war throughout their poems, which I will now go on to talk about in greater depth. The seminal technique Sassoon and Owen use in their poemsRead More Affirmative Action and Racial Tension Essay1691 Words  | 7 Pageswork force spawned from integrated schools now, some may question whether racism really is the problem anymore, and many college students might answer yes. They see it on college campuses today, and they are not sure why. Subconscious prejudices, self-segregation, political correctness, reverse discrimination, and ignorance all wade in the pool of opinions surrounding affirmative action and racial animosity. With racial tensions ever present in this country, one might question whether the problemsRead More William Blakes London and William Wordsworths London, 18022496 Words  | 10 PagesIndustrial Revolution and sympathize with her people who must bear the burden of the injustices resulting from commercial exploitation and a materialistic attitude. Freedman claims Blakes tightly structured quatrains as well as his self-consciously elaborate poetic figures are signs of just how much intense intellectual labour is required to comprehend the city (3) and indeed the notion that the poet is struggling to come to terms with the wounds he perceives is veryRead More Use of Metaphors in Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Hurston2926 Words  | 12 Pagesand her ultimate quest for self-discovery. Having to abruptly transition from childhood to adulthood at the age of sixteen, the story demonstrates Janie’s eternal struggle to find her own voice and realize her dreams through three marriages and a lifetime of hardships that come about from being a black woman in America in the early 20th century. Throughout the novel, Hurston uses powerful metaphors helping to â€Å"unify†(as Henry Louis Gates Jr. puts it) the novel’s themes and narrative; thus providingRead MoreStevensons Use of Technique to Present Character and Atmosphere in The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde3297 Words  | 14 Pagesdifferent emotions and desires, some good and some evil is told from the point of view of John Utterson. Mr Utterson is a lawyer and friend to the respected and brilliant scientist, Dr. Henry Jekyll. After relating a disturbing tale of an angry fiend assaulting a small girl, Utterson begins to question the odd behaviour of his friend. As Mr Utterson investigates and is entangled further into the life of Dr. Jekyll, he uncovers a story so horrific, so terrifying, that he is
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Kristallnacht Essay Example For Students
Kristallnacht Essay Ku Klux KlanThe Ku Klux Klan is a secret society based on hatredand violence. The Klan claims that it stands for onlylaw-abiding rallies and activities, but the Klan has beenknown for having hypocritical views throughout itsexistence. No matter where the Klan is headed, violence issure to be the destination. The Knights of the Ku Klux Klanclaim that the Bible is on their side. They claim that theBible condones their activity. Nowhere in the Bible iskilling thy neighbor encouraged. They claim they are notout to destroy America, but rather to save it. How is itpossible to save America with hate and violence? The Klanexists only to hold onto the beliefs of the Confederacy, buthanging on to the past only adds to the destruction of thefuture. Holding on to the past is bad enough when the pastis full of pleasant memories, but the Klan is hanging on tothe hate and ignorance of the South in the 1800s. The KuKlux Klan has always attempted to reach their goal ofinstilling fear and intimidation in the minds of everyone they cross. The Klan has undergone four stages after itsestablishment and the last stage is still on the rise. TheKlan has a distinct origin, a four stage revolution,distinct symbols, recruiting requirements, and strongpolitical beliefs.Formed in the 19th century, the Ku Klux Klan hasattempted to instill fear in the minds and the hearts ofblack citizens in the United States. The Klan was firstorganized on December 24th, 1865 in the Law Office of JudgeThomas M. Jones. There were six people who organized theKlan. They included Calvin E. Jones, John B. Kennedy, FrankO. McCord, John C. Lester, Richard R. Reed, and James R. Crow. This information is proclaimed on a wall in Pulaski,Tennessee. It was unveiled on May 21, 1917 by the widow ofCaptain Kennedy, who was the last of the six founders topass away. The origin of the Ku Klux Klan was described ina thirty page pamphlet published by Mr. and Mrs. William B. Romine of Pulaski. It read: As the Klan stood primarily for purity and preservationof the home and for the protection of the women andchildren, especially the widows and orphans ofConfederate soldiers, white, the emblem of purity waschosen for the robes. And to render them startling andconspicuous, red, emblem of the blood which Klansmenwere ready to shed in defense of the helpless, waschosen for the trimmings. Also, a sentimental thoughtwas present in adopting the color scheme, as white andred were the Confederate colors. Be it said to thecredit of the women of the South who designed and madewith their own hands more than four hundred thousand ofthese Klan robes for both horses and riders, not a wordwas said by these women to anyone about them and notone single secret concerning them was ever revealed. -page 8 of Ku Klux Klan, A Century of Infamy byWilliam Pierce RandelThis account was published in 1924. The six founderswere unable to fill a complement of den officers. At firstthere was no Grand Scribe. The original den leader, FrankMcCord was called Grand Cyclops; his chief lieutenant, knownas Grand Magi, was Captain Kennedy. James Crowe was chosenGrand Turk, a kind of marshal or master of ceremonies. Calvin Jones and Captain Lester were Night Hawks, orcouriers, and Richard Reed was the first Lictor or outerguard. New titles were created for the next few members tojoin. After these positions were filled, the new memberswere to be called Ghouls. The name of this secret organization was one of thefirst things that was discussed. They wanted a name thatwas original and one that would send a tingle down the spineof their victims. The title came from a Greek word kukloswhich means a band or circle. James Crowe suggested thatthe word be split in two and changing the last letter to anx. This gave them the name Ku Klux. Then John Lesterremarked that all six founders were of Scottish descent,therefore he proposed that clan be added to the end, butspelled with a k for consistency yielding the Ku KluxKlan. This name was much better than the proposedClocletz. Clocetz was the name of a phantom Indian chief who the Negroes from Georgia had feared, but they decidedthat it was too unoriginal. After the name was established, the Ku Klux Klan neededto have a set structure to maintain order. The structurewas founded by one of the most educated founders, JohnKennedy. Since he had briefly attended Centre College inKentucky, he had observed some details about howfraternities were structured. Since the structure offraternities helped establish other organizations, it seemedthat this was a perfect model to follow in the establishmentof the Ku Klux Klan. Now that the name and structure were established, theKlan needed uniforms. The color white was chosen for thereason that the KKK stood for purity. They decided to wearrobes and hoods to intimidate their much hated counterparts,the Blacks. The Ku Klux Klan has gone through an evolution over thecourse of time and it has endured four phases;Reconstruction, the Civil Rights movements, revival afterWorld War II, and present day activity. The first evidenceof the Ku Klux Klan was during Reconstruction. The Klanbegan as a prankish organization that targeted Blacks andRepublicans. The first Klan was a secret society established in theSouthern states during the Reconstruction period followingthe Civil War. It was founded at Pulaski, Tennessee in thefall of 1865 as a social club. The sudden attempt atenfranchisement of blacks, by passage of the Reconstructionacts of March 1867, and also of the Fourteenth Amendment tothe Federal Constitution, created serious problems ofpolitical and social readjustments. Local politicians andtheir white supporters, known as scalawags, and Northerners,known as carpetbaggers, who went south hoping to profit inone way or another by the manipulation of the black vote,added to the confusion and uncertainty. Many Blacks wereexploited by their new found friends and turned to them forhelp. The Ku Klux Klan was formed to intimidate Blacks. They used bizarre rituals and wore pointed hoods and drapinggowns to help intimidate Blacks. From 1868 to 1871, theKlan reached the height of its power. The movement wasreally a revolution against many of the aspects ofReconstruction, and was also a revolt to overthrow local andstate governments. At the first meeting for the KKK in Nashville,Tennessee, General Nathan B. Forrest, a famous Confederatecavalry leader, was chosen as Grand Cyclops, or president. The Klan was separated into local dens and they adopted aset of principles. They are as follows: 1) to protect theweakened and to relieve the injured and oppressed, 2) toprotect and defend the Constitution of the United States andlaws passed in conformity thereto and to protect the statesand the people from invasion of any source, and 3) to aid inthe execution of the laws and to protect the people fromunlawful seizure and trial except by their peers. The Klanspread from Tennessee to the Carolinas and especiallyGeorgia, Alabama, and Mississippi.In Louisiana, whiteradicals formed a group that was different than the KKK onlyin name. They referred to themselves as the Knights of theWhite Camellia. Other similar organizations were referredto as the White League and the Invisible Circle. The Klanhad a large group of members, but the members were not asevident as hoped. Local groups were soon were branded asoutlaws; therefore, were condemned. In 1871 and 1872, thegovernment introduced the Force Laws to break up theselocal groups and to control local elections. The Ku KluxKlan continued to participate in their activities until theyhad accomplished all of their goals. They vowed to continueprotecting the white people, reducing the black vote,expelling undesirable carpetbaggers and scalawags, andnullifying those laws of Congress that in a sense would putwhite Southerners under control of a party largely supportedby black voters. By 1877, when Rutherford B. Hayes becamepresident and the federal troops had been withdrawn assupport of local governments, the original Klan had beendisbanded. The second, or the modern 20th-century, Klan was formedby William J. Simmons on Stone Mountain, near Atlanta, Ga.,in 1915 as a fraternal organization devoted to theprinciples of white supremacy. It was a new organization,linked only by name and tradition to the original Klan. By1919, Edward Clark Young and Elizabeth Tyler, publicityagent and fund raisers, had joined with Simmons. Klanactivities were now not only directed against blacks, butalso against Roman Catholics, Jews, and the foreign-born. This Klan became dedicated to protecting the purity of thenative-born, white, Anglo-Saxon Americans and claimed ahigher morality and dedication to religious fundamentalism. Because the Klan was not sectional in its appeal, itsinfluence spread to other parts of the country outside ofthe South. Mysterious meetings around fiery crosses, withmembers masked, hooded, and robed in sheets, became symbolicof the Klan. The tactics they used were to instill fearupon their counterparts. They used whippings, tarring andfeathering, branding, mutilating, and lynching as tactics topresent intimidation and fear. None1 EssayThis old Cross was bathed in the Blood of ourLord Jesus Christ and became transformed into thesymbol of faith, hope, and love. Today it is used torally the forces of Christianity against the everincreasing hordes of an anti-Christ and the enemies ofAmerica and the White Race. We light the Cross with fire to signify to theworld that Jesus Christ is the light of the world. Where the Holy Cross shall shine, there will bedispelled evil, darkness, gloom, and despair. TheLight of Truth dispels ignorance and superstition asfire purifies gold and silver, but destroys wood andstubble. So by the fire of the Cross of Calvary, wecleanse and purify our virtues by burning out our viceswith the fire of His Word. Who can look upon this sublime symbol, or sit inits sacred Holy Light without being inspired witha holy desire and determination to be a better person? By this Holy Light of the Cross, we will perservere. KKK.com quoted by a Klansman on why they lightthe cross. Recruiting for the Klan was never thought about when itwas established. One of the first decisions that was to befollowed by the Klan everywhere was new members were not tobe sought out. Joining the Klan was each individualdecision. The den officers do not push people to join theKlan. Although the Klan does not recruit, people interestedin joining have to meet certain qualifications. They are asfollows: No person is allowed in our ranks who can not declarean unqualified allegiance to the Constitution of theUnited States. No person is allowed in this Movement who can not pledgethemselves to the protection, preservation, andadvancement of the White Race. No one is allowed in this movement who can not practicereal Brotherhood. Only pure White Christian people of non-Jewish,non-Negro, non-Asian descent who are at least eighteenyears old and who pledge to dedicate their lives to thiscause can enter the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan. Thoseunder the age of eighteen can join the Klan Youth Corp. with parental consent, and then become a full member ofthe Knights when they turn eighteen. The Knights of the Ku Klux Klan is strictly a law-abidingorganization. Every member is sworn to uphold the lawand the principles of justice, and he will not conspirewith others to commit any unlawful or violent crimes. The Knights of the Ku Klux Klan cocedes the right ofevery Christian citizen the right to worship God as hesees fit, and will not tolerate denominationaldissentation of any nature. All White Christians mustunite, at this juncture in history. The Knights of the Ku Klux Klan Movement is not anopen membership organization. Only those who meet 100% ofthe qualifications are allowed to join the Klan. Although the Ku Klux Klan is extremely influential inpolitics, members claim that the KKK is not a politicalaffiliation. They add that if it was a politicalaffiliation, the beliefs that would be introduced are asfollows:Reassert Americans White Christian Heritage. Return prayer to school. Stop all non-white organizations. Drug testing on all welfare recipitants. Quarantine all Aids carriers. Make the purchase of US Industry and property illegal toforeigners. Do away with free trade that harms the American workerand employ a policy of protectionism. Workfare not welfare. People work for their checks, soshould they. Troops on our South border to stop illegal immigration. Stop reverse discrimination by doing away withAffirmative Action. Declare all laws attempting to enforce gun control asunconstitutional. The Klans political beliefs are clearly out to benefitonly the white conformist who rejects what society hasundergone. Society today offers equality for every Americancitizen. The Klan is against this because they do not likethat they will have to work for their jobs just as hard asimmigrants do. Klan members want society to hand them whatever they want even though they are the under qualifiedapplicant. Equality should not bother anyone who is notafraid of working hard for what they want. Nothing will behanded out on a silver platter in todays society,regardless of what the Ku Klux Klan has to say. Complaining, criticizing, and envying will not produceanything except for hatred for the working man, or intodays society, the working woman. The Ku Klux Klan has endured and overcame manyobstacles to stay around and distort childrens minds. TheKlan has been around for a long time, and unless they arestopped, will be around for a long time. The Ku Klux Klanis a secret organization that hel ps segregate the UnitedStates by color or beliefs. The Klan helped to preserveracism and because members are ignorant, they will notmingle and learn to understand other cultures. Hating theunknown is just an easy and safe way to live. If the Klanattempted to understand other cultures, maybe they couldbegin to realize that everyone is alike in one way oranother. The most effective technique in destroying theKlan is education. Education is the tool for prevention. If children are not educated that the Ku Klux Klan standsfor evil purposes, these children may fall into the Klansevil empire. Educating the youth along with the society isthe only effective way to disband the Ku Klux Klan andsecret groups of this nature. The key is to never forgetwhat happened with the Klan so this world will never have toendure the hardships that the Ku Klux Klan has provided. The Ku Klux Klan has undergone a revolution of four stagesafter their origin in Tennessee and can be identified bytheir distinct sy mbols. The Klan has their own set ofrequirements that are to be followed when recruiting a newmember and have a one sided view on politics that they wantto see occur in the future
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